Release Date: 28 August 2015
A message from the band:
In general, this record shows a return to simplicity, with songs structured around a melody and a few instruments, with live drums playing a far lesser role. With the growing success of Teen Dream and Bloom, the larger stages and bigger rooms naturally drove us towards a louder, more aggressive place; a place farther from our natural tendencies. Here, we continue to let ourselves evolve while fully ignoring the commercial context in which we exist.
'It is this melancholia, the exquisite ache of being nearly aloft, that Beach House has perfected. With every album, someone observes—rightly—that the band has never sounded exactly this full and soaring before.' - Pitchfork
"Even the slightest sonic effects – be they the distorted guitar notes that swandive through the opening of Beyond Love, or the 8-bit keyboard riff in Space Song – gain resonance." - The Guardian
"Even the slightest sonic effects – be they the distorted guitar notes that swandive through the opening of Beyond Love, or the 8-bit keyboard riff in Space Song – gain resonance." - The Guardian